The purpose of the Registration Database is to track technical training requests from hospital bio-meds and the details behind their attendance, student and hospital records. The student and hospital information includes customer name (hospital), customer numbers, addresses, pre-purchased sales orders, contact information such as phone number and email.
iSolutions was contracted to bring the existing GE Healthcare “Access”- based database into a FileMaker solution. The new solution provides better data management and reporting, as well as a more cohesive user interface and brand awareness. The database and Web application were put into place to manage courses, registrations, scheduling and payments for various training courses held on the GE Healthcare campus.
The database tracks revenue brought in from technical training delivery and be reported out monthly for finance, as well as monthly estimates into future quarters. The solutions also stores all technical training and clinical part numbers available for delivery, list price, course titles, length of courses, scheduled offerings, prerequisite information and modalities for the purpose of mapping to an individual registration and to also run output to create customer catalog data for marketing.
The system runs reports to invoice customers who do not have pre-purchased training and will contain a secured credit card database table for storing customer credit card numbers. Hard copies of purchase orders, and other files, are also stored via the new FileMaker container field capability.
The system also auto calculates the usage of training by hospital and by sales order and provide balances left for each. In addition, the system auto imports data from multiple Oracle instances containing sales order detailed data including, but not limited to, order number, item number, sales amount, item description, quantity sold, ship to and bill to customer number and address. The system manages courses and scheduling which then populates the GE Healthcare Web site. Hospital users can then register on the Web site for the courses and schedules that are available. This populates the FileMaker system and notifies various users within GE Healthcare.