iSolutions was contracted to bring the existing Whirlpool Global Consumer Division’s (GCD) FileMaker 5 project management solution to FileMaker 11.
The new solution needed to provide better data management and reporting, as well as a more cohesive user interface and brand awareness.
Prior to this solution, Whirlpool experienced performance issues and ineffective reporting due to poor architecture in their flat file solution. Managers are now able to receive reports that used to take employees days to put together and deliver. In addition, all work order requests are processed via PHP interface that integrates with the FileMaker system providing quicker access for clients and cleaner data management and no need for double entry.
The database and Web application were put into place to manage various divisions within Whirlpool GCD. The system manages all information regarding employees and vendors. Both vendors and employees are assigned to a particular GCD division and can then be assigned to a particular GCD product engineering based project.
A projects module manages all required tasks on each project. Each project has many tasks, and a vendor and/or employee can be assigned to any of these tasks. Reports within the system allow the user to view Task statuses by project, by employee or vendor to allow summary data on monthly, quarterly or yearly numbers.